ASID Face Book
Custom Murals and Wall Finishes
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Price: $550.00 (50% due with registration)

We are accepting registrations for the following dates:

1) May 3,4,5
2) June 7,8,9

Each class will be limited to four students.

Our classes will be held in our studio in San Clemente, CA. Detailed directions will be sent after registration.

To receive a registration form please indicate thru your email the starting date of the class you
would like to enroll in along with the answers to the questions below.  This will help us
customize your learning experience. We look forward to hearing from you.

What style of mural are you most interested in painting?
Tropical / Ocean scene/
Italian / Country
Children / Whimsical

What is your level of art experience?
Have taken a painting class
Have taken a drawing class
Have painted my own mural / painting
Have no formal training but artistic 
Unsure about my artist level

Please give us a short description of your goals in taking our course along with your name
